Source code for pymodulon.util

General utility functions for the pymodulon package
import json
import logging
import re
from itertools import combinations

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from scipy.special import digamma
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree, KDTree

from pymodulon.enrichment import FDR

# Type Aliases #

[docs]def _check_table(table, name, index=None, index_col=0): # Set as empty dataframe if not input given if table is None: return pd.DataFrame(index=index) # Load table if necessary elif isinstance(table, str): try: table = pd.read_json(table) except ValueError: sep = "\t" if table.endswith(".tsv") else "," table = pd.read_csv(table, index_col=index_col, sep=sep) # Coerce indices and columns to ints if necessary newcols = [] for col in table.columns: try: newcols.append(int(col)) except ValueError: newcols.append(col) table.columns = newcols newrows = [] for row in table.index: try: newrows.append(int(row)) except ValueError: newrows.append(row) table.index = newrows # Replace empty strings with None table = table.replace("", np.nan) if isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame): # dont run _check_table_helper if no index is passed return table if index is None else _check_table_helper(table, index, name) else: raise TypeError( "{}_table must be a pandas DataFrame " "filename or a valid JSON string".format(name)
[docs]def _check_table_helper(table, index, name): if table.shape == (0, 0): return pd.DataFrame(index=index) # Check if all indices are in table missing_index = list(set(index) - set(table.index)) if len(missing_index) > 0: logging.warning( "Some {} are missing from the {} table: {}".format( name, name, missing_index ) ) # Remove extra indices from table table = table.reindex(index) return table
[docs]def _check_dict(table, index_col=0): try: table = json.loads(table.replace("'", '"')) except ValueError: sep = "\t" if table.endswith(".tsv") else "," table = pd.read_csv(table, index_col=index_col, header=None, sep=sep) table = table.to_dict()[1] return table
[docs]def compute_threshold(ic, dagostino_cutoff): """ Computes D'agostino-test-based threshold for a component of an M matrix Parameters ---------- ic: ~pandas.Series Pandas Series containing an independent component dagostino_cutoff: int Minimum D'agostino test statistic value to determine threshold Returns ------- iModulon threshold: list List of thresholds for each iModulon """ i = 0 # Sort genes based on absolute value ordered_genes = abs(ic).sort_values() # Compute k2-statistic k_square, p = stats.normaltest(ic) # Iteratively remove gene w/ largest weight until k2-statistic < cutoff while k_square > dagostino_cutoff: i -= 1 k_square, p = stats.normaltest(ic.loc[ordered_genes.index[:i]]) # Select genes in iModulon comp_genes = ordered_genes.iloc[i:] # Slightly modify threshold to improve plotting visibility if len(comp_genes) == len(ic.index): return max(comp_genes) + 0.05 else: return np.mean([ordered_genes.iloc[i], ordered_genes.iloc[i - 1]])
[docs]def dima(ica_data, sample1, sample2, threshold=5, fdr=0.1, alternate_A=None): """ Creates DIMA table of differentially expressed iModulons Parameters ---------- ica_data: ~pymodulon.core.IcaData :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` data object sample1: str or list List of sample IDs or name of "project:condition" sample2: str or list List of sample IDs or name of "project:condition" threshold: float Minimum activity difference to determine DiMAs (default = 5) fdr: float False Detection Rate (default = .1) alternate_A: ~pandas.DataFrame Alternate A to use (default = None) Returns ------- results: DataFrame Table of differentially expressed iModulons """ # use the undocumented alternate_A option to allow custom-built DIMCA # activity matrix to be used in lieu of standard activty matrix if alternate_A is not None: A_to_use = alternate_A else: A_to_use = ica_data.A _diff = pd.DataFrame() sample1_list = _parse_sample(ica_data, sample1) sample2_list = _parse_sample(ica_data, sample2) for name, group in ica_data.sample_table.groupby(["project", "condition"]): for i1, i2 in combinations(group.index, 2): _diff[":".join(name)] = abs(A_to_use[i1] - A_to_use[i2]) dist = {} for k in A_to_use.index: dist[k] = stats.lognorm(*[k].values)).cdf res = pd.DataFrame(index=A_to_use.index) for k in res.index: a1 = A_to_use.loc[k, sample1_list].mean() a2 = A_to_use.loc[k, sample2_list].mean() res.loc[k, "difference"] = a2 - a1 res.loc[k, "pvalue"] = 1 - dist[k](abs(a1 - a2)) result = FDR(res, fdr) return result[(abs(result.difference) > threshold)].sort_values( "difference", ascending=False
[docs]def _parse_sample(ica_data, sample): """ Parses sample inputs into a list of sample IDs Parameters ---------- ica_data: ~pymodulon.core.IcaData :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` data object sample: list Sequence of sample IDs or "project:condition" Returns ------- samples: list A list of `samples` """ sample_table = ica_data.sample_table if isinstance(sample, str): proj, cond ="(.*):(.*)", sample).groups() samples = sample_table[ (sample_table.project == proj) & (sample_table.condition == cond) ].index if len(samples) == 0: raise ValueError( f"No samples exist for project={proj} condition=" f"{cond}" ) else: return samples else: return sample
[docs]def explained_variance( ica_data, genes=None, samples=None, imodulons=None, reference=None ): """ Computes the fraction of variance explained by iModulons (from 0 to 1) Parameters ---------- ica_data: ~pymodulon.core.IcaData :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` data object genes: str or list, optional List of genes to use (default: all genes) samples: str or list, optional List of samples to use (default: all samples) imodulons: int or str or list, optional List of iModulons to use (default: all iModulons) reference: list, optional List of samples that represent the reference condition for the set. If none are provided, uses the dataset-specific reference condition. Returns ------- float Fraction of variance explained by selected iModulons for selected genes/samples """ # Check inputs if genes is None: genes = ica_data.X.index elif isinstance(genes, str): genes = [genes] gene_loci = set(genes) & set(ica_data.X.index) gene_names = set(genes) - set(ica_data.X.index) name_loci = [ica_data.name2num(gene) for gene in gene_names] genes = list(set(gene_loci) | set(name_loci)) if samples is None: samples = ica_data.X.columns elif isinstance(samples, str): samples = [samples] if imodulons is None: imodulons = ica_data.M.columns elif isinstance(imodulons, str) or isinstance(imodulons, int): imodulons = [imodulons] if reference is None: centered = ica_data.X else: centered = ica_data.X.subtract(ica_data.X[reference].mean(axis=1), axis=0) # Account for normalization procedures before ICA (X=SA-x_mean) baseline = centered.subtract(centered.mean(axis=0), axis=1) baseline = baseline.loc[genes, samples] # Initialize variables base_err = np.linalg.norm(baseline) ** 2 MA = np.zeros(baseline.shape) rec_var = [0] ma_arrs = {} ma_weights = {} # Get individual modulon contributions for k in imodulons: ma_arr = ica_data.M.loc[genes, k].values.reshape(len(genes), 1), ica_data.A.loc[k, samples].values.reshape(1, len(samples)), ) ma_arrs[k] = ma_arr ma_weights[k] = np.sum(ma_arr ** 2) # Sum components in order of most important component first sorted_mods = sorted(ma_weights, key=ma_weights.get, reverse=True) # Compute reconstructed variance for k in sorted_mods: MA = MA + ma_arrs[k] sa_err = np.linalg.norm(MA - baseline) ** 2 rec_var.append((1 - sa_err / base_err)) return np.clip(rec_var[-1], 0, 1)
[docs]def infer_activities(ica_data, data): """ Infer iModulon activities for external data Parameters ---------- ica_data: ~pymodulon.core.IcaData :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` data object data: ~pandas.DataFrame External expression profiles (must be centered to a reference) Returns ------- new_activities: ~pandas.DataFrame Inferred activities for the expression profiles """ shared_genes = ica_data.M.index & data.index x = data.loc[shared_genes].values m = ica_data.M.loc[shared_genes].values m_inv = np.linalg.pinv(m) a =, x) return pd.DataFrame(a, index=ica_data.imodulon_names, columns=data.columns)
[docs]def mutual_info_distance(x, y): x = np.asarray(x).reshape(x.shape[0], 1) y = np.asarray(y).reshape(x.shape[0], 1) h = entropy(np.hstack([x, y])) if h == 0: return 1 else: return 1 - mi(x, y) / h
# the following code is taken from the NPEET package; it cannot be installed # via pip, so the necessary functions are copied here; the package appears to # be un-maintained, so updates are not very likely; this is the GitHub page: #
[docs]def mi(x, y, z=None, k=3, base=2, alpha=0): """Mutual information of x and y (conditioned on z if z is not None) x, y should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3], [3.7], [5.1], [2.4]] if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples """ assert len(x) == len(y), "Arrays should have same length" assert k <= len(x) - 1, "Set k smaller than num. samples - 1" x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y) x, y = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1), y.reshape(y.shape[0], -1) x = add_noise(x) y = add_noise(y) points = [x, y] if z is not None: z = np.asarray(z) z = z.reshape(z.shape[0], -1) points.append(z) points = np.hstack(points) # Find nearest neighbors in joint space, p=inf means max-norm tree = build_tree(points) dvec = query_neighbors(tree, points, k) if z is None: a, b, c, d = ( avgdigamma(x, dvec), avgdigamma(y, dvec), digamma(k), digamma(len(x)), ) if alpha > 0: d += lnc_correction(tree, points, k, alpha) else: xz = np.c_[x, z] yz = np.c_[y, z] a, b, c, d = ( avgdigamma(xz, dvec), avgdigamma(yz, dvec), avgdigamma(z, dvec), digamma(k), ) return max(0, (-a - b + c + d) / np.log(base))
[docs]def entropy(x, k=3, base=2): """The classic K-L k-nearest neighbor continuous entropy estimator x should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3], [3.7], [5.1], [2.4]] if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples """ assert k <= len(x) - 1, "Set k smaller than num. samples - 1" x = np.asarray(x) n_elements, n_features = x.shape x = add_noise(x) tree = build_tree(x) nn = query_neighbors(tree, x, k) const = digamma(n_elements) - digamma(k) + n_features * np.log(2) return max(0, (const + n_features * np.log(nn).mean()) / np.log(base))
[docs]def add_noise(x, intens=1e-10): """Small noise to break degeneracy, see doc.""" return x + intens * np.random.random_sample(x.shape)
[docs]def build_tree(points): if points.shape[1] >= 20: return BallTree(points, metric="chebyshev") return KDTree(points, metric="chebyshev")
[docs]def query_neighbors(tree, x, k): return tree.query(x, k=k + 1)[0][:, k]
[docs]def avgdigamma(points, dvec): """This part finds number of neighbors in some radius in the marginal space returns expectation value of <psi(nx)>""" tree = build_tree(points) dvec = dvec - 1e-15 num_points = count_neighbors(tree, points, dvec) return np.mean(digamma(num_points))
[docs]def lnc_correction(tree, points, k, alpha): e = 0 n_sample = points.shape[0] for point in points: # Find k-nearest neighbors in joint space, p=inf means max norm knn = tree.query(point[None, :], k=k + 1, return_distance=False)[0] knn_points = points[knn] # Substract mean of k-nearest neighbor points knn_points = knn_points - knn_points[0] # Calculate covariance matrix of k-nearest neighbor points, obtain # eigen vectors covr = knn_points.T @ knn_points / k _, v = np.linalg.eig(covr) # Calculate PCA-bounding box using eigen vectors V_rect = np.log(np.abs(knn_points @ v).max(axis=0)).sum() # Calculate the volume of original box log_knn_dist = np.log(np.abs(knn_points).max(axis=0)).sum() # Perform local non-uniformity checking and update correction term if V_rect < log_knn_dist + np.log(alpha): e += (log_knn_dist - V_rect) / n_sample return e
[docs]def count_neighbors(tree, x, r): return tree.query_radius(x, r, count_only=True)