8. Creating the Gene Table

A copy of this notebook is available on the PyModulon GitHub page: Creating the Gene Table Notebook

First, download the FASTA and GFF files for your organism and its plasmids from NCBI. We will use the E. coli K-12 MG1655 strain as an example, which does not have plasmids.

from pymodulon import example_data

8.1. Get information from GFF files

from pymodulon.gene_util import *

Enter the location of all your GFF files here:

gff_files = [example_data.ecoli_gff]

The following cell will convert all the GFF files into a single Pandas DataFrame for easy manipulation. Pseudogenes have multiple rows in a GFF file (one for each fragment), but only the first fragment will be kept.

keep_cols = ['accession','start','end','strand','gene_name','old_locus_tag','gene_product','ncbi_protein']

DF_annot = gff2pandas(gff_files,index='locus_tag')
DF_annot = DF_annot[keep_cols]

WARNING:root:Duplicate locus_tag detected. Dropping duplicates.
accession start end strand gene_name old_locus_tag gene_product ncbi_protein
b0001 NC_000913.3 190 255 + thrL None thr operon leader peptide NP_414542.1
b0002 NC_000913.3 337 2799 + thrA None fused aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase 1 NP_414543.1
b0003 NC_000913.3 2801 3733 + thrB None homoserine kinase NP_414544.1
b0004 NC_000913.3 3734 5020 + thrC None threonine synthase NP_414545.1
b0005 NC_000913.3 5234 5530 + yaaX None DUF2502 domain-containing protein YaaX NP_414546.1

To ensure that the gene index used is identical to the expression matrix, load in your data.

DF_log_tpm = example_data.load_example_log_tpm()
ecoli_00001 ecoli_00002 ecoli_00009 ecoli_00010
b0001 10.473721 10.271944 10.315476 10.808135
b0002 10.260569 10.368555 10.735874 10.726916
b0003 9.920277 10.044224 10.528432 10.503092
b0004 9.936694 10.010638 9.739519 9.722997
b0005 7.027515 7.237449 6.745798 6.497823

Check that the genes are the same in the expression dataset as in the annotation dataframe. Mismatched genes are listed below.

test = DF_annot.sort_index().index == DF_log_tpm.sort_index().index
accession start end strand gene_name old_locus_tag gene_product ncbi_protein

8.2. (Optional) KEGG and COGs

8.2.1. Generate nucleotide fasta files for CDS

Enter the location of all your fasta files here:

fasta_files = [example_data.ecoli_fasta]

The following code generates CDS files using your FASTA and GFF3 files

from Bio import SeqIO

cds_list = []
for fasta in fasta_files:
    seq = SeqIO.read(fasta,'fasta')

    # Get gene information for genes in this fasta file
    df_genes = DF_annot[DF_annot.accession == seq.id]

    for i,row in df_genes.iterrows():
        cds = seq[row.start-1:row.end]
        if row.strand == '-':
            cds = seq[row.start-1:row.end].reverse_complement()
        cds.id = row.name
        cds.description = row.gene_name if pd.notnull(row.gene_name) else row.name
[SeqRecord(seq=Seq('ATGAAACGCATTAGCACCACCATTACCACCACCATCACCATTACCACAGGTAAC...TGA', SingleLetterAlphabet()), id='b0001', name='NC_000913.3', description='thrL', dbxrefs=[]),
 SeqRecord(seq=Seq('ATGCGAGTGTTGAAGTTCGGCGGTACATCAGTGGCAAATGCAGAACGTTTTCTG...TGA', SingleLetterAlphabet()), id='b0002', name='NC_000913.3', description='thrA', dbxrefs=[]),
 SeqRecord(seq=Seq('ATGGTTAAAGTTTATGCCCCGGCTTCCAGTGCCAATATGAGCGTCGGGTTTGAT...TAA', SingleLetterAlphabet()), id='b0003', name='NC_000913.3', description='thrB', dbxrefs=[]),
 SeqRecord(seq=Seq('ATGAAACTCTACAATCTGAAAGATCACAACGAGCAGGTCAGCTTTGCGCAAGCC...TAA', SingleLetterAlphabet()), id='b0004', name='NC_000913.3', description='thrC', dbxrefs=[]),
 SeqRecord(seq=Seq('GTGAAAAAGATGCAATCTATCGTACTCGCACTTTCCCTGGTTCTGGTCGCTCCC...TAA', SingleLetterAlphabet()), id='b0005', name='NC_000913.3', description='yaaX', dbxrefs=[])]

Uncomment the line below to write the CDS file

# SeqIO.write(cds_list,'CDS.fna','fasta')

8.2.2. Run EggNOG Mapper

  1. Go to http://eggnog-mapper.embl.de/.

  2. Upload the CDS.fna file from your organism directory (within the sequence_files folder)

  3. Make sure to limit the taxonomy to the correct level

  4. After the job is submitted, you must follow the link in your email to run the job.

  5. Once the job completes (after ~4 hrs), download the annotations file.

  6. Save the annotation file

8.2.3. Get KEGG IDs

Once you have the EggNOG annotations, load the annotation file

eggnog_file = example_data.ecoli_eggnog
DF_eggnog = pd.read_csv(eggnog_file,sep='\t',skiprows=4,header=None)
eggnog_cols = ['query_name','seed eggNOG ortholog','seed ortholog evalue','seed ortholog score',
               'Predicted taxonomic group','Predicted protein name','Gene Ontology terms',
               'EC number','KEGG_orth','KEGG_pathway','KEGG_module','KEGG_reaction',
               'KEGG_rclass','BRITE','KEGG_TC','CAZy','BiGG Reaction','tax_scope',
               'eggNOG OGs','bestOG_deprecated','COG','eggNOG free text description']

DF_eggnog.columns = eggnog_cols

# Strip last three rows as they are comments
DF_eggnog = DF_eggnog.iloc[:-3]

# Set locus tag as index
DF_eggnog = DF_eggnog.set_index('query_name')
DF_eggnog.index.name = 'locus_tag'

seed eggNOG ortholog seed ortholog evalue seed ortholog score Predicted taxonomic group Predicted protein name Gene Ontology terms EC number KEGG_orth KEGG_pathway KEGG_module ... KEGG_rclass BRITE KEGG_TC CAZy BiGG Reaction tax_scope eggNOG OGs bestOG_deprecated COG eggNOG free text description
b0002 316407.85674276 0.000000e+00 1600.5 Escherichia thrA GO:0003674,GO:0003824,GO:0004072,GO:0004412,GO..., ko:K12524 ko00260,ko00261,ko00270,ko00300,ko01100,ko0111... M00016,M00017,M00018,M00526,M00527 ... RC00002,RC00043,RC00087 ko00000,ko00001,ko00002,ko01000 NaN NaN iECDH1ME8569_1439.ECDH1ME8569_0002,iEcDH1_1363... Escherichia 1MW3H@1224,1RN1G@1236,3XN2A@561,COG0460@1,COG0... NA|NA|NA E homoserine dehydrogenase I
b0003 316407.85674277 3.000000e-178 630.9 Escherichia thrB GO:0000096,GO:0000097,GO:0003674,GO:0003824,GO... ko:K00872 ko00260,ko01100,ko01110,ko01120,ko01230,map002... M00018 ... RC00002,RC00017 ko00000,ko00001,ko00002,ko01000 NaN NaN iECSE_1348.ECSE_0003 Escherichia 1MW8I@1224,1RMYR@1236,3XN01@561,COG0083@1,COG0... NA|NA|NA F Catalyzes the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of...
b0004 316407.21321894 1.200000e-246 858.6 Escherichia thrC GO:0003674,GO:0003824,GO:0004795,GO:0005575,GO... ko:K01733 ko00260,ko00750,ko01100,ko01110,ko01120,ko0123... M00018 ... RC00017,RC00526 ko00000,ko00001,ko00002,ko01000 NaN NaN iLF82_1304.LF82_2261,iNRG857_1313.NRG857_00025 Escherichia 1MUWQ@1224,1RQ0H@1236,3XP31@561,COG0498@1,COG0... NA|NA|NA E Catalyzes the gamma-elimination of phosphate f...
b0005 316407.21321895 1.400000e-23 115.5 Escherichia yaaX NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Escherichia 1N4SV@1224,1S9KR@1236,2B58A@1,32XJS@2,3XRGB@561 NA|NA|NA S Protein of unknown function (DUF2502)
b0006 198214.SF0006 1.600000e-143 515.4 Gammaproteobacteria NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Escherichia 1MUAF@1224,1RMTD@1236,COG3022@1,COG3022@2 NA|NA|NA S Belongs to the UPF0246 family

5 rows × 21 columns

Now we will pull the KEGG information from the eggNOG file, including orthology, pathway, module, and reactions for each gene.

DF_kegg = DF_eggnog[['KEGG_orth','KEGG_pathway','KEGG_module','KEGG_reaction']]

# Melt dataframe
DF_kegg = DF_kegg.reset_index().melt(id_vars='locus_tag')

# Remove null values
DF_kegg = DF_kegg[DF_kegg.value.notnull()]

# Split comma-separated values into their own rows
list2struct = []
for name,row in DF_kegg.iterrows():
    for val in row.value.split(','):

DF_kegg = pd.DataFrame(list2struct,columns=['gene_id','database','kegg_id'])

# Remove ko entries, as only map entries are searchable in KEGG pathway
DF_kegg = DF_kegg[~DF_kegg.kegg_id.str.startswith('ko')]

gene_id database kegg_id
2750 b0002 KEGG_pathway map00260
2751 b0002 KEGG_pathway map00261
2752 b0002 KEGG_pathway map00270
2753 b0002 KEGG_pathway map00300
2754 b0002 KEGG_pathway map01100

8.2.4. Save KEGG information

Uncomment the line below to save the KEGG file

# DF_kegg.to_csv('kegg_mapping.csv')

8.2.5. Save COGs to annotation dataframe

DF_annot['COG'] = DF_eggnog.COG

# Make sure COG only has one entry per gene
DF_annot['COG'] = [item[0] if isinstance(item,str) else item for item in DF_annot['COG']]

8.3. Uniprot ID mapping

The uniprot_id_mapping function is a python wrapper for the Uniprot ID mapping tool. Use input_id=P_REFSEQ_AC if the FASTA/GFFf files are from RefSeq, and input_id=EMBL if the files are from Genbank.

mapping_uniprot = uniprot_id_mapping(DF_annot.ncbi_protein.fillna(''),input_id='P_REFSEQ_AC',output_id='ACC',
ncbi_protein uniprot
2090 NP_416515.1 A0A0G3HGF9
4381 NP_418733.1 A0A0N9YI43
3651 NP_418014.1 A0A223DQZ5
26 NP_414563.1 A0A385XJ53
1978 NP_416408.1 A0A385XJ53
# Merge with current annotation
DF_annot = pd.merge(DF_annot.reset_index(),mapping_uniprot,how='left',on='ncbi_protein')
accession start end strand gene_name old_locus_tag gene_product ncbi_protein COG uniprot
b0001 NC_000913.3 190 255 + thrL None thr operon leader peptide NP_414542.1 NaN P0AD86
b0002 NC_000913.3 337 2799 + thrA None fused aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase 1 NP_414543.1 E P00561
b0003 NC_000913.3 2801 3733 + thrB None homoserine kinase NP_414544.1 F P00547
b0004 NC_000913.3 3734 5020 + thrC None threonine synthase NP_414545.1 E P00934
b0005 NC_000913.3 5234 5530 + yaaX None DUF2502 domain-containing protein YaaX NP_414546.1 S P75616

8.4. Add Biocyc Operon information

To obtain operon information from Biocyc, follow the steps below

  1. Go to Biocyc.org (you may need to create an account and/or login)

  2. Change the organism database to your organism/strain

  3. Select SmartTables -> Special SmartTables

  4. Select “All genes of <organism>”

  5. Select the “Gene Name” column

  6. Under “ADD TRANSFORM COLUMN” select “Genes in same transcription unit”

  7. Select the “Genes in same transcription unit” column

  8. Under “ADD PROPERTY COLUMN” select “Accession-1”

  9. Under OPERATIONS, select “Export” -> “to Spreadsheet File…”

  10. Select “common names” and click “Export smarttable”

  11. Add file location below and run the code cell

biocyc_file = example_data.ecoli_biocyc

DF_biocyc = pd.read_csv(biocyc_file,sep='\t')

# Remove genes with no accession
DF_biocyc = DF_biocyc[DF_biocyc['Accession-1'].notnull()]

# Set the accession (i.e. locus tag) as index
DF_biocyc = DF_biocyc.set_index('Accession-1').sort_values('Left-End-Position')

# Only keep genes in the final annotation file
DF_biocyc = DF_biocyc.reindex(DF_annot.index)

# Reformat transcription units
DF_biocyc['operon_list'] = DF_biocyc['Accession-1.1'].apply(reformat_biocyc_tu)

Gene Name Left-End-Position Right-End-Position Product Genes in same transcription unit Accession-1.1 operon_list
b0001 thrL 190.0 255.0 <i>thr</i> operon leader peptide thrL // thrA // thrB // thrC b0001 // b0002 // b0003 // b0004 b0001;b0002;b0003;b0004
b0002 thrA 337.0 2799.0 fused aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase 1 thrA // thrB // thrC // thrL b0002 // b0003 // b0004 // b0001 b0001;b0002;b0003;b0004
b0003 thrB 2801.0 3733.0 homoserine kinase thrA // thrB // thrC // thrL b0002 // b0003 // b0004 // b0001 b0001;b0002;b0003;b0004
b0004 thrC 3734.0 5020.0 threonine synthase thrA // thrB // thrC // thrL b0002 // b0003 // b0004 // b0001 b0001;b0002;b0003;b0004
b0005 yaaX 5234.0 5530.0 DUF2502 domain-containing protein YaaX yaaX b0005 b0005

8.4.1. Assign unique IDs to operons

The following code assigns unique names to each operon

# Get all operons
operons = DF_biocyc['operon_list'].unique()

# Map each operon to a unique string
operon_dict = {operon: "Op"+str(i) for i, operon in enumerate(operons)}

# Add names to dataframe
DF_biocyc['operon'] = [operon_dict[op] for op in DF_biocyc["operon_list"]]

Gene Name Left-End-Position Right-End-Position Product Genes in same transcription unit Accession-1.1 operon_list operon
b0001 thrL 190.0 255.0 <i>thr</i> operon leader peptide thrL // thrA // thrB // thrC b0001 // b0002 // b0003 // b0004 b0001;b0002;b0003;b0004 Op0
b0002 thrA 337.0 2799.0 fused aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase 1 thrA // thrB // thrC // thrL b0002 // b0003 // b0004 // b0001 b0001;b0002;b0003;b0004 Op0
b0003 thrB 2801.0 3733.0 homoserine kinase thrA // thrB // thrC // thrL b0002 // b0003 // b0004 // b0001 b0001;b0002;b0003;b0004 Op0
b0004 thrC 3734.0 5020.0 threonine synthase thrA // thrB // thrC // thrL b0002 // b0003 // b0004 // b0001 b0001;b0002;b0003;b0004 Op0
b0005 yaaX 5234.0 5530.0 DUF2502 domain-containing protein YaaX yaaX b0005 b0005 Op1

Finally, merge the Biocyc information with the main annotation DataFrame

DF_annot['operon'] = DF_biocyc['operon']

8.5. Clean up and save annotation

First, we will re-order the annotation columns

if 'old_locus_tag' in DF_annot.columns:
    order = ['gene_name','accession','old_locus_tag','start','end','strand','gene_product','COG','uniprot','operon']
    order = ['gene_name','accession','start','end','strand','gene_product','COG','uniprot','operon']

DF_annot = DF_annot[order]
gene_name accession old_locus_tag start end strand gene_product COG uniprot operon
b0001 thrL NC_000913.3 None 190 255 + thr operon leader peptide NaN P0AD86 Op0
b0002 thrA NC_000913.3 None 337 2799 + fused aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase 1 E P00561 Op0
b0003 thrB NC_000913.3 None 2801 3733 + homoserine kinase F P00547 Op0
b0004 thrC NC_000913.3 None 3734 5020 + threonine synthase E P00934 Op0
b0005 yaaX NC_000913.3 None 5234 5530 + DUF2502 domain-containing protein YaaX S P75616 Op1

8.6. Final statistics

The following graphs show how much information is available for the organism.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_ylabel('# of Values',fontsize=18)

8.7. Fill missing values

Some organisms are missing gene names, so these will be filled with locus tag gene names.

# Fill in missing gene names with locus tag names
DF_annot['tmp_name'] = DF_annot.copy().index.tolist()

COG letters will also be converted to the full name.

# Fill missing COGs with X

# Change single letter COG annotation to full description
DF_annot['COG'] = DF_annot.COG.apply(cog2str)

counts = DF_annot.COG.value_counts()

Uncomment the following line to save the gene annotation dataset

# DF_annot.to_csv('gene_info.csv')

8.8. GO Annotations

To start, download the GO Annotations for your organism from AmiGO 2

  1. Go to AmiGO 2

  2. Filter for your organism

  3. Click CustomDL

  4. Drag GO class (direct) to the end of your Selected Fields

  5. Enter the location of your GO annotation file below and run the following code block

go_file = example_data.ecoli_go_example
DF_GO = pd.read_csv(go_file,sep='\t',header=None,usecols=[2,10,17])
DF_GO.columns = ['gene_name','gene_id','gene_ontology']
DF_GO = DF_GO[['gene_id','gene_ontology']]
gene_id gene_ontology
0 b0312|ECK0310 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
1 b0312|ECK0310 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
2 b0312|ECK0310 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
3 b0312|ECK0310 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
4 b0312|ECK0310 response to osmotic stress

Take a look at the gene_id column: 1. Make sure there are no null entries 2. Check which naming convention is used (locus tag, new locus tag, or gene name)

If it looks like it uses the old locus tag, set old_locus_tag to True.

In this example, the gene_id column needs to be altered slightly to match with the gene name. This may not be necessary for your organism.

def format_go_gene_id(gene_id):
    locus_tags = [item for item in gene_id.split('|') if re.match('b\d{4}',item)]
    if len(locus_tags) > 0:
        return locus_tags[0]
        return None

DF_GO.gene_id = DF_GO.gene_id.apply(format_go_gene_id)

Now we remove null entries

DF_GO = DF_GO[DF_GO.gene_id.notnull()]
naming = 'locus_tag' # Can be "gene_name" or "old_locus_tag"

if naming != 'locus_tag':
    convert_tags = {value:key for key,value in DF_annot[naming].items()}
    DF_GO.gene_id = DF_GO.gene_id.apply(lambda x: convert_tags[x])
gene_id gene_ontology
0 b0312 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
1 b0312 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
2 b0312 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
3 b0312 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
4 b0312 response to osmotic stress

Uncomment the line below to save the annotations

# DF_GO[['gene_id','gene_ontology']].to_csv('GO_annotations.csv')