Source code for pymodulon.imodulondb

Functions for writing a directory for iModulonDB webpages

import logging
import os
import re
from itertools import chain
from zipfile import ZipFile

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

from pymodulon.plotting import _broken_line, _get_fit, _solid_line

# User Functions #

[docs]def imodulondb_compatibility(model, inplace=False, tfcomplex_to_gene=None): """ Checks for all issues and missing information prior to exporting to iModulonDB. If inplace = True, modifies the model (not recommended for main model variables). Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object to check inplace: bool, optional If true, modifies the model to prepare for export. Not recommended for use with your main model variable. tfcomplex_to_gene: dict, optional dictionary pointing complex TRN entries to matching gene names in the gene table (ex: {"FlhDC":"flhD"}) Returns ------- table_issues: pd.DataFrame Each row corresponds to an issue with one of the main class elements. Columns: * Table: which table or other variable the issue is in * Missing Column: the column of the Table with the issue (not case sensitive; capitalization is ignored). * Solution: Unless "CRITICAL" is in this cell, the site behavior if the issue remained is described here. tf_issues: pd.DataFrame Each row corresponds to a regulator that is used in the imodulon_table. Columns: * in_trn: whether the regulator is in the model.trn. Regulators not in the TRN will be ignored in the site's histograms and gene tables. * has_link: whether the regulator has a link in tf_links. If not, no link to external regulator databases will be shown. * has_gene: whether the regulator can be matched to a gene in the model. If this is false, then there will be no regulator scatter plot on the site. You can link TF complexes to one of their genes using the tfcomplex_to_gene input. missing_g_links: pd.Series The genes on this list don't have links in the gene_links. Their gene pages for these genes will not display links. missing_DOIs: pd.Series The samples listed here don't have DOIs in the sample_table. Clicking on their associated bars in the activity plots will not link to relevant papers. """ if tfcomplex_to_gene is None: tfcomplex_to_gene = {} table_issues = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Table", "Missing Column", "Solution"]) # Check for X if model.X is None: table_issues = table_issues.append( { "Table": "X", "Missing Column": "all", "Solution": "CRITICAL. Add the expression matrix" " so that gene pages can be generated.", }, ignore_index=True, ) logging.warning("Critical issue: No X matrix") # Check for updated imodulondb table default_imdb_table = { "organism": "New Organism", "dataset": "New Dataset", "strain": "Unspecified", "publication_name": "Unpublished Study", "publication_link": "", "gene_link_db": "External Database", "organism_folder": "new_organism", "dataset_folder": "new_dataset", } for k, v in default_imdb_table.items(): if model.imodulondb_table[k] == v: if k == "publication_link": solution = "The publication name will not be a hyperlink." else: solution = 'The default, "{}", will be used.'.format(v) table_issues = table_issues.append( { "Table": "iModulonDB", "Missing Column": k, "Solution": solution, }, ignore_index=True, ) # Check the gene table gene_table_cols = { "gene_name": "Locus tags (gene_table.index) will be used.", "gene_product": "Locus tags (gene_table.index) will be used.", "cog": "COG info will not display & the gene scatter plot will" " not have color.", "start": "The x axis of the scatter plot will be a numerical" " value instead of a genome location.", "operon": "Operon info will not display.", "regulator": "Regulator info will not display. If you have a" " TRN, add it to the model to auto-generate this column.", } gene_table_lower = {i.lower(): i for i in model.gene_table.columns} for col in gene_table_cols.keys(): if not (col in gene_table_lower.keys()): table_issues = table_issues.append( { "Table": "Gene", "Missing Column": col, "Solution": gene_table_cols[col], }, ignore_index=True, ) if (col in ["gene_name", "gene_product"]) & inplace: model.gene_table[col] = model.gene_table.index elif inplace: model.gene_table = model.gene_table.rename( {gene_table_lower[col]: col}, axis=1 ) # check for missing gene links missing_g_links = [] for g in model.M.index: if ( not (isinstance(model.gene_links[g], str)) or model.gene_links[g].strip() == "" ): missing_g_links.append(g) missing_g_links = pd.Series(missing_g_links, name="missing_gene_links") # check for errors in the n_replicates column of the sample table if inplace & ("n_replicates" in model.sample_table.columns): try: imdb_activity_bar_df(model, model.imodulon_table.index[0]) except ValueError: logging.warning( "Error detected in sample_table['n_replicates']." " Deleting that column. It will be auto-regenerated." " You can prevent this from happening in the future" " using generate_n_replicates_column(model)" ) model.sample_table = model.sample_table.drop("n_replicates", 1) # check the sample table sample_table_cols = { "project": "This is a CRITICAL column defining the largest" " grouping of samples. Vertical bars in the activity plot" " will separate projects.", "condition": "This is an CRITICAL column defining the smallest" " grouping of samples. Biological replicates must have matching" " projects and conditions, and they will appear as single bars" " with averaged activities.", "sample": "The sample_table.index will be used. Each entry must be" ' unique. Note that the preferred syntax is "project__condition__#."', "n_replicates": "This column will be generated for you.", "doi": "Clicking on activity plot bars will not link to relevant" " papers for the samples.", } sample_table_lower = {i.lower(): i for i in model.sample_table.columns} if model.sample_table.columns.str.lower().duplicated().any(): logging.warning( "Critical issue: Duplicated column names" " (case insensitive) in sample_table" ) table_issues = table_issues.append( { "Table": "Sample", "Missing Column": "N/A - Duplicated Columns Exist", "Solution": "Column names (case insensitive) should not " "be duplicated. Pay special attention the 'sample' column.", }, ignore_index=True, ) for col in sample_table_cols.keys(): if not (col in sample_table_lower.keys()): if (col == "sample") & ( == "sample"): continue if col in ["project", "condition"]: logging.warning( "Critical issue: No {} column in sample_table.".format(col) ) table_issues = table_issues.append( { "Table": "Sample", "Missing Column": col, "Solution": sample_table_cols[col], }, ignore_index=True, ) if (col == "n_replicates") & inplace: generate_n_replicates_column(model) elif inplace: model.sample_table = model.sample_table.rename( {sample_table_lower[col]: col}, axis=1 ) # check for missing DOIs if "doi" in sample_table_lower.keys(): if inplace: doi_idx = "doi" else: doi_idx = sample_table_lower["doi"] missing_DOIs = model.sample_table.index[ model.sample_table[doi_idx].isna() ].copy() = "missing_DOIs" else: missing_DOIs = model.sample_table.index.copy() = "missing_DOIs" # check the iModulon table columns try: model.imodulon_table.index.astype(int) im_idx = "int" except TypeError: im_idx = "str" iM_table_cols = { "name": "imodulon_table.index will be used.", "regulator": "The regulator details will be left blank.", "function": "The function will be blank in the dataset table and" ' "Uncharacterized" in the iModulon dashboard', "category": 'The categories will be filled in as "Uncharacterized".', "n_genes": "This column will be computed for you.", "precision": "This column will be left blank.", "recall": "This column will be left blank.", "exp_var": "This column will be left blank.", } iM_table_lower = {i.lower(): i for i in model.imodulon_table.columns} for col in iM_table_cols.keys(): if not (col in iM_table_lower.keys()): table_issues = table_issues.append( { "Table": "iModulon", "Missing Column": col, "Solution": iM_table_cols[col], }, ignore_index=True, ) if inplace: if col == "name": if im_idx == "int": model.imodulon_table["name"] = [ "iModulon {}".format(i) for i in model.imodulon_table.index ] else: model.imodulon_table["name"] = model.imodulon_table.index elif col == "n_genes": model.imodulon_table["n_genes"] = model.M_binarized.sum().astype( int ) else: model.imodulon_table[col] = np.nan elif inplace: model.imodulon_table = model.imodulon_table.rename( {iM_table_lower[col]: col}, axis=1 ) if inplace: if im_idx == "str": model.rename_imodulons( dict(zip(model.imodulon_names, range(len(model.imodulon_names)))) ) for idx, tf in zip(model.imodulon_table.index, model.imodulon_table.regulator): try: model.imodulon_table.loc[idx, "regulator_readable"] = ( model.imodulon_table.regulator[idx] .replace("/", " or ") .replace("+", " and ") ) except AttributeError: model.imodulon_table.loc[ idx, "regulator_readable" ] = model.imodulon_table.regulator[idx] # check the TRN cols = ["in_trn", "has_link", "has_gene"] tf_issues = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) if "regulator" in iM_table_lower.keys(): if inplace: reg_idx = "regulator" else: reg_idx = iM_table_lower["regulator"] for tf_string in model.imodulon_table[reg_idx]: _, no_trn = parse_tf_string(model, tf_string) _, no_link = tf_with_links(model, tf_string) _, no_gene = get_tfs_to_scatter(model, tf_string, tfcomplex_to_gene) tfs_to_add = set(no_trn + no_link + no_gene) for tf in tfs_to_add: row = dict(zip(cols, [True] * 3)) for col, tf_set in zip(cols, [no_trn, no_link, no_gene]): if tf in tf_set: row[col] = False tf_issues.loc[tf] = row return table_issues, tf_issues, missing_g_links, missing_DOIs
[docs]def imodulondb_export( model, path=".", cat_order=None, tfcomplex_to_gene=None, skip_iMs=False, skip_genes=False, ): """ Generates the iModulonDB page for the data and exports to the path. If certain columns are unavailable but can be filled in automatically, they will be. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object to export path : str, optional Path to iModulonDB main hosting folder (default = ".") cat_order : list, optional List of categories in the imodulon_table, ordered as you would like them to appear in the dataset table (default = None) tfcomplex_to_gene : dict, optional dictionary pointing complex TRN entries to matching gene names in the gene table ex: {"FlhDC":"flhD"} skip_iMs : bool, optional If this is True, do not output iModulon files (to save time) skip_genes : bool, optional If this is True, do not output gene files (to save time) Returns ------- None: None """ if tfcomplex_to_gene is None: tfcomplex_to_gene = {} model1 = model.copy() imodulondb_compatibility(model1, True, tfcomplex_to_gene=tfcomplex_to_gene) print("Writing main site files...") folder = imodulondb_main_site_files(model1, path, cat_order=cat_order) print("Done writing main site files. Writing plot files...") if not (skip_iMs and skip_genes): print( "Two progress bars will appear below. The second will take " "significantly longer than the first." ) if not (skip_iMs): print("Writing iModulon page files (1/2)") imdb_generate_im_files(model1, folder, "start", tfcomplex_to_gene) if not (skip_genes): print("Writing Gene page files (2/2)") imdb_generate_gene_files(model1, folder) print( "Complete! (Organism = {}; Dataset = {})".format( model1.imodulondb_table["organism_folder"], model1.imodulondb_table["dataset_folder"],
) ) ############################### # Major Outputs (Called Once) # ###############################
[docs]def imdb_dataset_table(model): """ Converts the model's imodulondb_table into dataset metadata for the gray box on the left side of the dataset page Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` An IcaData object Returns ------- res: ~pandas.Series A series of formatted metadata """ res = pd.Series(dtype=str) if model.imodulondb_table["organism"] == "New Organism": org_short = "" else: org_parts = model.imodulondb_table["organism"].split(" ") org_short = org_parts[0][0].upper() + ". " + org_parts[1].lower() org_short = "<i>" + org_short + "</i>" res["Title"] = org_short + " " + model.imodulondb_table["dataset"] res["Organism"] = "<i>" + model.imodulondb_table["organism"] + "</i>" res["Strain"] = model.imodulondb_table["strain"] if model.imodulondb_table["publication_link"] == "": res["Publication"] = model.imodulondb_table["publication_name"] else: pub_str = '<a href="' + model.imodulondb_table["publication_link"] pub_str += '">' + model.imodulondb_table["publication_name"] + "</a>" res["Publication"] = pub_str res["Number of Samples"] = model.A.shape[1] if ("project" in model.sample_table.columns) and ( "condition" in model.sample_table.columns ): num_conds = len(model.sample_table.groupby(["condition", "project"])) else: num_conds = "Unknown" res["Number of Unique Conditions"] = num_conds res["Number of Genes"] = model.M.shape[0] res["Number of iModulons"] = model.M.shape[1] return res
[docs]def imdb_iM_table(imodulon_table, cat_order=None): """ Reformats the iModulon table according Parameters ---------- imodulon_table : ~pandas.DataFrame Table formatted similar to IcaData.imodulon_table cat_order : list, optional List of categories in imodulon_table.category, ordered as desired Returns ------- im_table: ~pandas.DataFrame New iModulon table with the columns expected by iModulonDB """ im_table = imodulon_table[ [ "name", "regulator_readable", "function", "category", "n_genes", "exp_var", "precision", "recall", ] ].copy() = "k" im_table.category = im_table.category.fillna("Uncharacterized") if cat_order is not None: cat_dict = {val: i for i, val in enumerate(cat_order)} im_table.loc[:, "category_num"] = [ cat_dict[im_table.category[k]] for k in im_table.index ] else: try: im_table.loc[:, "category_num"] = imodulon_table["new_idx"] except KeyError: im_table.loc[:, "category_num"] = im_table.index return im_table
[docs]def imdb_gene_presence(model): """ Generates the two versions of the gene presence file, one as a binary matrix, and one as a DataFrame Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` An IcaData object Returns ------- mbin: ~pandas.DataFrame Binarized M matrix mbin_list: ~pandas.DataFrame Table mapping genes to iModulons """ mbin = model.M_binarized.astype(bool) mbin_list = pd.DataFrame(columns=["iModulon", "Gene"]) for k in mbin.columns: for g in mbin.index[mbin[k]]: mbin_list = mbin_list.append({"iModulon": k, "Gene": g}, ignore_index=True) return mbin, mbin_list
[docs]def imodulondb_main_site_files( model, path_prefix=".", rewrite_annotations=True, cat_order=None ): """ Generates all parts of the site that do not require large iteration loops Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object path_prefix : str, optional Main folder for iModulonDB files (default = ".") rewrite_annotations : bool, optional Set to False if the gene_table and trn are unchanged (default = True) cat_order : list, optional list of categories in data.imodulon_table.category, ordered as you want them to appear on the dataset page (default = None) Returns ------- main_folder: str Dataset folder, for use as the path_prefix in imdb_generate_im_files() """ organism = model.imodulondb_table["organism_folder"] dataset = model.imodulondb_table["dataset_folder"] # create new folders organism_folder = os.path.join(path_prefix, "organisms", organism) if not (os.path.isdir(organism_folder)): os.makedirs(organism_folder) annot_folder = os.path.join(organism_folder, "annotation") if not (os.path.isdir(annot_folder)): rewrite_annotations = True os.makedirs(annot_folder) # save annotations if rewrite_annotations: # make the folder if necessary gene_folder = os.path.join(annot_folder, "gene_files") if not (os.path.isdir(gene_folder)): os.makedirs(gene_folder) # add files to the folder model.gene_table.to_csv(os.path.join(gene_folder, "gene_info.csv")) try: model.trn.to_csv(os.path.join(gene_folder, "trn.csv")) except FileNotFoundError: pass # zip the folder old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(gene_folder) with ZipFile("../", "w") as z: z.write("gene_info.csv") z.write("trn.csv") os.chdir(old_cwd) main_folder = os.path.join(organism_folder, dataset) if not (os.path.isdir(main_folder)): os.makedirs(main_folder) # save the metadata files in the main folder dataset_meta = imdb_dataset_table(model) dataset_meta.to_csv(os.path.join(main_folder, "dataset_meta.csv")) # num_ims - used so that the 'next iModulon' button doesn't overflow file = open(main_folder + "/num_ims.txt", "w") file.write(str(model.M.shape[1])) file.close() # save the dataset files in the data folder data_folder = os.path.join(main_folder, "data_files") if not (os.path.isdir(data_folder)): os.makedirs(data_folder) model.X.to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, "log_tpm.csv")) model.A.to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, "A.csv")) model.M.to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, "M.csv")) im_table = imdb_iM_table(model.imodulon_table, cat_order) im_table.to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, "iM_table.csv")) model.sample_table.to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, "sample_table.csv")) mbin, mbin_list = imdb_gene_presence(model) mbin.to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, "gene_presence_matrix.csv")) mbin_list.to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, "gene_presence_list.csv")) pd.Series(model.thresholds).to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, "M_thresholds.csv")) # zip the data folder old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(data_folder) with ZipFile("../", "w") as z: z.write("log_tpm.csv") z.write("A.csv") z.write("M.csv") z.write("iM_table.csv") z.write("sample_table.csv") z.write("gene_presence_list.csv") z.write("gene_presence_matrix.csv") z.write("M_thresholds.csv") os.chdir(old_cwd) # make iModulons searchable enrich_df = model.imodulon_table.copy() enrich_df["component"] = enrich_df.index enrich_df = enrich_df[["component", "name", "regulator", "function"]] enrich_df = enrich_df.rename({"function": "Function"}, axis=1) try: enrich_df = enrich_df.sort_values(by="name").fillna(value="N/A") except TypeError: enrich_df["name"] = enrich_df["name"].astype(str) enrich_df = enrich_df.sort_values(by="name").fillna(value="N/A") if not (os.path.isdir(main_folder + "/iModulon_files")): os.makedirs(main_folder + "/iModulon_files") enrich_df.to_json(main_folder + "/iModulon_files/im_list.json", orient="records") # make genes searchable gene_df = model.gene_table.copy() gene_df = gene_df[gene_df.index.isin(model.X.index)] gene_df["gene_id"] = gene_df.index gene_df = gene_df[["gene_name", "gene_id", "gene_product"]] gene_df = gene_df.sort_values(by="gene_name").fillna(value="not available") if not (os.path.isdir(main_folder + "/gene_page_files")): os.makedirs(main_folder + "/gene_page_files") gene_df.to_json(main_folder + "/gene_page_files/gene_list.json", orient="records") # make the html html = '<div class="panel">\n' html += ' <div class="panel-header">\n' html += ' <h2 class="mb-0">\n' html += ' <button class="btn btn-link collapsed organism" type="button"' html += ' data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#new_org" aria-expanded="false"' html += ' aria-controls="new_org">\n <i>' html += model.imodulondb_table["organism"] html += "</i>\n </button>\n </h2>\n </div>\n" html += ' <div id="new_org" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingThree"' html += ' data-parent="#organismAccordion">\n' html += ' <div class="panel-body">\n' html += ' <ul class="nav navbar-dark flex-column">\n' html += ' <li class="nav-item dataset">\n' html += ' <a class="nav-link active" href="dataset.html?organism=' html += organism html += "&dataset=" html += dataset html += '"><i class="fas fa-angle-right pr-2"></i>' html += model.imodulondb_table["dataset"] html += "\n </a>\n </li>\n" html += " </ul>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>" file = open(main_folder + "/html_for_splash.html", "w") file.write(html) file.close() return main_folder
[docs]def imdb_generate_im_files( model, path_prefix=".", gene_scatter_x="start", tfcomplex_to_gene=None ): """ Generates all files for all iModulons in data Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object path_prefix : str, optional Dataset folder in which to store the files (default = ".") gene_scatter_x : str Column from the gene table that specificies what to use on the X-axis of the gene scatter plot (default = "start") tfcomplex_to_gene : dict, optional dictionary pointing complex TRN entries to matching gene names in the gene table ex: {"FlhDC":"flhD"} """ if tfcomplex_to_gene is None: tfcomplex_to_gene = {} for k in tqdm(model.imodulon_table.index): make_im_directory(model, k, path_prefix, gene_scatter_x, tfcomplex_to_gene)
[docs]def imdb_generate_gene_files(model, path_prefix="."): """ Generates all files for all iModulons in IcaData object Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object path_prefix : str, optional Dataset folder in which to store the files (default = ".") Returns ------- None """ for g in tqdm(model.M.index): make_gene_directory(model, g, path_prefix)
################################################### # iModulon-Related Outputs (and Helper Functions) # ################################################### # Gene Table
[docs]def parse_tf_string(model, tf_str, verbose=False): """ Returns a list of relevant tfs from a string. Will ignore TFs not in the trn file. iModulonDB helper function. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object tf_str : str String of tfs joined by '+' and '/' operators verbose : bool, optional Whether or nor to print outputs Returns ------- tfs: list List of relevant TFs """ if not (type(tf_str) == str): return [], [] if tf_str == "": return [], [] tf_str = tf_str.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") tfs = re.split("[+/]", tf_str) # Check if there is an issue, just remove the issues for now. bad_tfs = [] for tf in tfs: tf = tf.strip() if tf not in model.trn.regulator.unique(): if verbose: print("Regulator not in TRN:", tf) print( "To remedy this, add rows to the TRN for each gene associated " "with this regulator. Otherwise, it will be ignored in the gene" "tables and histograms." ) bad_tfs.append(tf) tfs = [t.strip() for t in list(set(tfs) - set(bad_tfs))] bad_tfs = list(set(bad_tfs)) return tfs, bad_tfs
[docs]def imdb_gene_table_df(model, k): """ Creates the gene table dataframe for iModulonDB Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name Returns ------- res: ~pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of the gene table that is compatible with iModulonDB """ # get TFs and large table row = model.imodulon_table.loc[k] tfs, _ = parse_tf_string(model, row.regulator) res = model.view_imodulon(k) # sort columns = [] for c in [ "gene_weight", "gene_name", "old_locus_tag", "gene_product", "cog", "operon", "regulator", ]: if c in res.columns: columns.append(c) res = res[columns] res = res.sort_values("gene_weight", ascending=False) # add TFs for tf in tfs: reg_genes = model.trn.gene_id[model.trn.regulator == tf].values res[tf] = [i in reg_genes for i in res.index] # add links res["link"] = [model.gene_links[g] for g in res.index] # clean up = "locus" return res
# Gene Histogram
[docs]def _component_DF(model, k, tfs=None): """ Helper function for imdb_gene_hist_df Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name tfs : list List of TFs (default = None) Returns ------- gene_table: ~pandas.DataFrame Gene table for the iModulon """ df = pd.DataFrame(model.M[k].sort_values()) df.columns = ["gene_weight"] if "gene_product" in model.gene_table.columns: df["gene_product"] = model.gene_table["gene_product"] if "gene_name" in model.gene_table.columns: df["gene_name"] = model.gene_table["gene_name"] if "operon" in model.gene_table.columns: df["operon"] = model.gene_table["operon"] if "length" in model.gene_table.columns: df["length"] = model.gene_table.length if "regulator" in model.gene_table.columns: df["regulator"] = model.gene_table.regulator.fillna("") if tfs is not None: for tf in tfs: df[tf] = [tf in regs.split(",") for regs in df["regulator"]] return df.sort_values("gene_weight")
[docs]def _tf_combo_string(row): """ Creates a formatted string for the histogram legends. Helper function for imdb_gene_hist_df. Parameters ---------- row : ~pandas.Series Boolean series indexed by TFs for a given gene Returns ------- str A string formatted for display (i.e. "Regulated by ...") """ if row.sum() == 0: return "unreg" if row.sum() == 1: return row.index[row][0] if row.sum() == 2: return " and ".join(row.index[row]) else: return ", ".join(row.index[row][:-1]) + ", and " + row.index[row][-1]
[docs]def _sort_tf_strings(tfs, unique_elts): """ Sorts TF strings for the legend of the histogram. Helper function for imdb_gene_hist_df. Parameters ---------- tfs : list[str] Sequence of TFs in the desired order unique_elts : list[str] All combination strings made by _tf_combo_string Returns ------- list[str] A sorted list of combination strings that have a consistent ordering """ # unreg always goes first unique_elts.remove("unreg") sorted_elts = ["unreg"] # then the individual TFs for tf in tfs: if tf in unique_elts: sorted_elts.append(tf) unique_elts.remove(tf) # then pairs pairs = [i for i in unique_elts if "," not in i] for i in tfs: for j in tfs: name = i + " and " + j if name in pairs: sorted_elts.append(name) unique_elts.remove(name) # then longer combos, which won't be sorted for now return sorted_elts + unique_elts
[docs]def imdb_gene_hist_df(model, k, bins=20, tol=0.001): """ Creates the gene histogram for an iModulon Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name bins : int Number of bins in the histogram (default = 20) tol : float Distance to threshold for deciding if a bar is in the iModulon (default = .001) Returns ------- gene_hist_table: ~pandas.DataFrame A dataframe for producing the histogram that is compatible with iModulonDB """ # get TFs row = model.imodulon_table.loc[k] if not (type(row.regulator) == str): tfs = [] else: tfs, _ = parse_tf_string(model, row.regulator) tfs = list(set(tfs)) # get genes DF_gene = _component_DF(model, k, tfs) # add a tf_combo column if len(tfs) == 0: DF_gene["tf_combos"] = ["unreg"] * DF_gene.shape[0] else: tf_bools = DF_gene[tfs] DF_gene["tf_combos"] = [ _tf_combo_string(tf_bools.loc[g]) for g in tf_bools.index ] # get the list of tf combos in the correct order tf_combo_order = _sort_tf_strings(tfs, list(DF_gene.tf_combos.unique())) # compute bins xmin = min(min(DF_gene.gene_weight), -model.thresholds[k]) xmax = max(max(DF_gene.gene_weight), model.thresholds[k]) width = ( 2 * model.thresholds[k] / max((np.floor(2 * model.thresholds[k] * bins / (xmax - xmin) - 1)), 1) ) xmin = -model.thresholds[k] - width * np.ceil((-model.thresholds[k] - xmin) / width) xmax = xmin + width * bins # column headers: bin middles columns = np.arange(xmin + width / 2, xmax + width / 2, width)[:bins] index = ["thresh"] + tf_combo_order + [i + "_genes" for i in tf_combo_order] res = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns) # row 0: threshold indices and number of unique tf combos thresh1 = -model.thresholds[k] thresh2 = model.thresholds[k] num_combos = len(tf_combo_order) res.loc["thresh"] = [thresh1, thresh2, num_combos] + [np.nan] * (len(columns) - 3) # next set of rows: heights of bars for r in tf_combo_order: res.loc[r] = np.histogram( DF_gene.gene_weight[DF_gene.tf_combos == r], bins, (xmin, xmax) )[0] # last set of rows: gene names for b_mid in columns: # get the bin bounds b_lower = b_mid - width / 2 b_upper = b_lower + width for r in tf_combo_order: # get the genes for this regulator and bin genes = DF_gene.index[ (DF_gene.tf_combos == r) & (DF_gene.gene_weight < b_upper) & (DF_gene.gene_weight > b_lower) ] # use the gene names, and get them with num2name (more robust) genes = [model.num2name(g) for g in genes] res.loc[r, b_mid] = len(genes) gene_list = np.array2string(np.array(genes), separator=" ") # don't list unregulated genes unless they are in the i-modulon if r == "unreg": if (b_lower + tol >= model.thresholds[k]) or ( b_upper - tol <= -model.thresholds[k] ): res.loc[r + "_genes", b_mid] = gene_list else: res.loc[r + "_genes", b_mid] = "[]" else: res.loc[r + "_genes", b_mid] = gene_list return res
# Gene Scatter Plot
[docs]def _gene_color_dict(model): """ Helper function to match genes to colors based on COG. Used by imdb_gene_scatter_df. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object Returns ------- dict Dictionary associating gene names to colors """ try: gene_cogs = model.gene_table.cog.to_dict() except AttributeError: return {k: "dodgerblue" for k in model.gene_table.index} try: return {k: model.cog_colors[v] for k, v in gene_cogs.items()} except (KeyError, AttributeError): # previously, this would call the setter using: # data.cog_colors = None cogs = sorted(model.gene_table.cog.unique()) model.cog_colors = dict( zip( cogs, [ "red", "pink", "y", "orchid", "mediumvioletred", "green", "lightgray", "lightgreen", "slategray", "blue", "saddlebrown", "turquoise", "lightskyblue", "c", "skyblue", "lightblue", "fuchsia", "dodgerblue", "lime", "sandybrown", "black", "goldenrod", "chocolate", "orange", ], ) ) return {k: model.cog_colors[v] for k, v in gene_cogs.items()}
[docs]def imdb_gene_scatter_df(model, k, gene_scatter_x="start"): """ Generates a dataframe for the gene scatter plot in iModulonDB Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name gene_scatter_x : str Determines x-axis of the scatterplot Returns ------- res: ~pandas.DataFrame A dataframe for producing the scatterplot """ columns = ["name", "x", "y", "cog", "color", "link"] res = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=model.M.index) = "locus" cutoff = model.thresholds[k] # x&y scatterplot points - do alternatives later if gene_scatter_x == "start": try: res.x = model.gene_table.loc[res.index, "start"] except KeyError: gene_scatter_x = "gene number" res.x = range(len(res.index)) else: raise ValueError("Only 'start' is supported as a gene_scatter_x input.") # res.x = data.X[base_conds].mean(axis=1) res.y = model.M[k] # add other data = [model.num2name(i) for i in res.index] try: res.cog = model.gene_table.cog[res.index] except AttributeError: res.cog = "Unknown" gene_colors = _gene_color_dict(model) res.color = [to_hex(gene_colors[gene]) for gene in res.index] # if the gene is in the iModulon, it is clickable in_im = res.index[res.y.abs() > cutoff] for g in in_im: res.loc[g, "link"] = model.gene_links[g] # add a row to store the threshold cutoff_row = pd.DataFrame( [gene_scatter_x, cutoff] + [np.nan] * 4, columns=["meta"], index=columns ).T res = pd.concat([cutoff_row, res]) return res
# Activity Bar Graph
[docs]def generate_n_replicates_column(model): """ Generates the "n_replicates" column of the sample_table for iModulonDB. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object. Will overwrite the existing column if it exists. Returns ------- None: None """ try: for name, group in model.sample_table.groupby(["project", "condition"]): model.sample_table.loc[group.index, "n_replicates"] = group.shape[0] except KeyError: logging.warning( "Unable to write n_replicates column. Add"
" project & condition columns (required)." )
[docs]def imdb_activity_bar_df(model, k): """ Generates a dataframe for the activity bar graph of iModulon k Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name Returns ------- res: ~pandas.DataFrame A dataframe for producing the activity bar graph for iModulonDB """ samp_table = model.sample_table.reset_index(drop=True) # get the row of A A_k = model.A.loc[k] A_k = A_k.rename(dict(zip(A_k.index, samp_table.index))) # initialize the dataframe max_replicates = int(samp_table["n_replicates"].max()) columns = ["A_avg", "A_std", "n"] + list( chain( *[ ["rep{}_idx".format(i), "rep{}_A".format(i)] for i in range(1, max_replicates + 1) ] ) ) res = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) # iterate through conditions and fill in rows for cond, group in samp_table.groupby(["project", "condition"], sort=False): # get condition name and A values cond_name = cond[0] + "__" + cond[1] # project__cond vals = A_k[group.index] # compute statistics new_row = [vals.mean(), vals.std(), len(vals)] # fill in individual samples (indices and values) for idx in group.index: new_row += [idx, vals[idx]] new_row += [np.nan] * ((max_replicates - len(vals)) * 2) res.loc[cond_name] = new_row # clean up = "condition" res = res.reset_index() return res
# Regulon Venn Diagram
[docs]def _parse_regulon_string(model, s): """ The Bacillus microarray dataset uses [] to create unusually complicated TF strings. This function parses those, as a helper to _get_reg_genes for imdb_regulon_venn_df. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object s : str TF string Returns ------- res: set Set of genes regulated by this string """ res = set() if not (isinstance(s, str)): return res if "/" in s: union = s.split("] / [") union[0] = union[0][1:] union[-1] = union[-1][:-1] else: union = [s] for r in union: if "+" in r: intersection = r.split(" + ") genes = set(model.trn.gene_id[model.trn.regulator == intersection[0]]) for i in intersection[1:]: genes = genes.intersection( set(model.trn.gene_id[model.trn.regulator == i]) ) else: genes = set(model.trn.gene_id[model.trn.regulator == r]) res = res.union(genes) return res
[docs]def _get_reg_genes(model, tf): """ Finds the set of genes regulated by the boolean combination of regulators in a TF string Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object tf : str string of TFs separated by +, /, and/or [] Returns ------- reg_genes: set[str] Set of regulated genes """ # the Bacillus tf strings use '[]' to make complicated boolean combinations if "[" in tf: reg_genes = _parse_regulon_string(model, tf) # other datasets can use this simpler code else: tf = tf.strip() if "+" in tf: reg_list = [] for tfx in tf.split("+"): tfx = tfx.strip() reg_list.append( set(model.trn[model.trn.regulator == tfx].gene_id.unique()) ) reg_genes = set.intersection(*reg_list) elif "/" in tf: reg_genes = set( model.trn[ model.trn.regulator.isin([t.strip() for t in tf.split("/")]) ].gene_id.unique() ) else: reg_genes = set(model.trn[model.trn.regulator == tf].gene_id.unique()) # return result return reg_genes
[docs]def imdb_regulon_venn_df(model, k): """ Generates a dataframe for the regulon venn diagram of iModulon k. Returns None if there is no diagram to draw Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name Returns ------- res: ~pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame for producing the venn diagram in iModulonDB """ row = model.imodulon_table.loc[k] tf = row["regulator"] if not (type(tf) == str): return None if tf.strip() == "": return None # Take care of and/or enrichments reg_genes = _get_reg_genes(model, tf) # Get component genes comp_genes = set(model.view_imodulon(k).index) both_genes = set(reg_genes & comp_genes) # Get gene and operon counts reg_gene_count = len(reg_genes) comp_gene_count = len(comp_genes) both_gene_count = len(both_genes) # Add adjustments for venn plotting (add '2' for alternates) reg_gene_count2 = 0 comp_gene_count2 = 0 both_gene_count2 = 0 if reg_genes == comp_genes: reg_gene_count = 0 comp_gene_count = 0 both_gene_count = 0 reg_gene_count2 = 0 comp_gene_count2 = 0 both_gene_count2 = len(reg_genes) elif all(item in comp_genes for item in reg_genes): reg_gene_count = 0 both_gene_count = 0 reg_gene_count2 = len(reg_genes) comp_gene_count2 = 0 both_gene_count2 = 0 elif all(item in reg_genes for item in comp_genes): comp_gene_count = 0 both_gene_count = 0 reg_gene_count2 = 0 comp_gene_count2 = len(comp_genes) both_gene_count2 = 0 res = pd.DataFrame( [ tf, reg_gene_count, comp_gene_count, both_gene_count, reg_gene_count2, comp_gene_count2, both_gene_count2, ], columns=["Value"], index=[ "TF", "reg_genes", "comp_genes", "both_genes", "reg_genes2", "comp_genes2", "both_genes2", ], ) # gene lists just_reg = reg_genes - both_genes just_comp = comp_genes - both_genes for i, l in zip( ["reg_genes", "comp_genes", "both_genes"], [just_reg, just_comp, both_genes] ): gene_list = np.array([model.num2name(g) for g in l]) gene_list = np.array2string(gene_list, separator=" ") res.loc[i, "list"] = gene_list return res
# Regulon Scatter Plot
[docs]def get_tfs_to_scatter(model, tf_string, tfcomplex_to_genename=None, verbose=False): """ Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object tf_string : str or ~numpy.nan String of TFs, or np.nan tfcomplex_to_genename : dict, optional dictionary pointing complex TRN entries to matching gene names in the gene table ex: {"FlhDC":"flhD"} verbose : bool Show verbose output (default: False) Returns ------- res: list List of gene loci """ # hard-coded TF names # should just modify TRN/gene info so everything matches but ok if tfcomplex_to_genename is None: tfcomplex_to_genename = {} rename_tfs = { "csqR": "yihW", "hprR": "yedW", "thi-box": "Thi-box", "FlhDC": "flhD", "RcsAB": "rcsB", "ntrC": "glnG", "gutR": "srlR", "IHF": "ihfB", "H-NS": "hns", "GadE-RcsB": "gadE", } for k, v in tfcomplex_to_genename.items(): rename_tfs[k] = v res = [] bad_res = [] if type(tf_string) == str: tf_string = tf_string.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") tfs = re.split("[+/]", tf_string) for tf in tfs: tf = tf.strip() if tf in rename_tfs.keys(): tf = rename_tfs[tf] try: b_num = model.name2num(tf) if b_num in model.X.index: res.append(tf) except ValueError: bad_res.append(tf) if verbose: print("TF has no associated expression profile:", tf) print("If {} is not a gene, this behavior is expected.".format(tf)) print( "If it is a gene, use consistent naming" " between the TRN and gene_table." ) res = list(set(res)) # remove duplicates bad_res = list(set(bad_res)) return res, bad_res
[docs]def imdb_regulon_scatter_df(model, k, tfcomplex_to_genename=None): """ Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name tfcomplex_to_genename : dict, optional dictionary pointing complex TRN entries to matching gene names in the gene table ex: {"FlhDC":"flhD"} Returns ------- res: ~pandas.DataFrame A dataframe for producing the regulon scatter plots in iModulonDB """ if tfcomplex_to_genename is None: tfcomplex_to_genename = {} row = model.imodulon_table.loc[k] tfs, _ = get_tfs_to_scatter(model, row.regulator, tfcomplex_to_genename) if len(tfs) == 0: return None # coordinates for points coord = pd.DataFrame(columns=["A"] + tfs, index=model.A.columns) coord["A"] = model.A.loc[k] # params for fit line param_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["A"] + tfs, index=["R2", "xmin", "xmid", "xmax", "ystart", "yend"] ) # fill in dfs for tf in tfs: # coordinates coord[tf] = model.X.loc[model.name2num(tf)] xlim = np.array([coord[tf].min(), coord[tf].max()]) # fit line params, r2 = _get_fit(coord[tf], coord["A"]) if len(params) == 2: # unbroken y = _solid_line(xlim, *params) out = [xlim[0], np.nan, xlim[1], y[0], y[1]] else: # broken xvals = np.array([xlim[0], params[2], xlim[1]]) y = _broken_line(xvals, *params) out = [xlim[0], params[2], xlim[1], y[0], y[2]] param_df[tf] = [r2] + out res = pd.concat([param_df, coord], axis=0) res = res.sort_values("R2", axis=1, ascending=False) res = res[pd.Index(["A"]).append(res.columns.drop("A"))] if "sample" in model.sample_table.columns: res = res.rename(model.sample_table["sample"].to_dict()) return res
# iModulon Metadata
[docs]def imdb_imodulon_basics_df( model, k, reg_venn, reg_scatter, ): """ Generates a dataframe for the metadata of iModulon k Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name reg_venn : ~pandas.DataFrame or None Output of imdb_regulon_venn_df(data, k) reg_scatter : ~pandas.DataFrame or None Output of imdb_regulon_scatter_df(data, k) Returns ------- res: ~pandas.DataFrame A dataframe of metadata for iModulon k in iModulonDB """ row = model.imodulon_table.loc[k] res = pd.Series( index=[ "name", "TF", "regulator", "function", "category", "has_venn", "scatter", "exp_var", "precision", "recall", ], dtype=float, ) res.loc["name"] = row.loc["name"] res.loc["TF"] = row.regulator res.loc["regulator"], _ = tf_with_links(model, row.regulator) res.loc["function"] = row.function res.loc["category"] = row.category res.loc["has_venn"] = not (reg_venn is None) if reg_scatter is None: res.loc["scatter"] = 0 else: res.loc["scatter"] = reg_scatter.shape[1] - 1 res.loc["exp_var"] = row.exp_var res.loc["precision"] = row.precision res.loc["recall"] = row.recall return res
# Compute All iModulon Plots
[docs]def make_im_directory( model, k, path_prefix=".", gene_scatter_x="start", tfcomplex_to_genename=None ): """ Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object k : int or str iModulon name path_prefix : str, optional Path to the dataset folder. This function creates an 'iModulon_files/k/' subdirectory there to store everything. (default = ".") gene_scatter_x : str Passed to imdb_gene_scatter_df() to indicate the x axis type of that plot (default = "start") tfcomplex_to_genename : dict, optional dictionary pointing complex TRN entries to matching gene names in the gene table ex: {"FlhDC":"flhD"} Returns ------- None: None """ # generate the plot files if tfcomplex_to_genename is None: tfcomplex_to_genename = {} gene_table = imdb_gene_table_df(model, k) gene_hist = imdb_gene_hist_df(model, k) gene_scatter = imdb_gene_scatter_df(model, k, gene_scatter_x) act_bar = imdb_activity_bar_df(model, k) reg_venn = imdb_regulon_venn_df(model, k) reg_scatter = imdb_regulon_scatter_df(model, k, tfcomplex_to_genename) # generate a basic data df res = imdb_imodulon_basics_df(model, k, reg_venn, reg_scatter) # save output folder = path_prefix + "/iModulon_files/" + str(k) + "/" if not (os.path.isdir(path_prefix + "/iModulon_files")): os.makedirs(path_prefix + "/iModulon_files") if not (os.path.isdir(folder)): os.makedirs(folder) res.to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_meta.csv") gene_table.to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_gene_table.csv") gene_hist.to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_gene_hist.csv") gene_scatter.to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_gene_scatter.csv") act_bar.to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_activity_bar.csv") if not (reg_venn is None): reg_venn.to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_reg_venn.csv") if not (reg_scatter is None): reg_scatter.to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_reg_scatter.csv") model.M[k].to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_gene_weights.csv") a_k = model.A.loc[k] if "sample" in model.sample_table.columns: a_k.index = a_k.index.to_series().map(model.sample_table["sample"].to_dict()) a_k.to_csv(folder + str(k) + "_activity.csv")
############################################### # Gene-Related Outputs (and Helper Functions) # ############################################### # Activity bar graph
[docs]def imdb_gene_activity_bar_df(model, gene_id): """ Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object gene_id : str Locus tag of gene Returns ------- res: ~pandas.DataFrame A dataframe for the activity bar of gene in iModulonDB """ # get the row of A X_gene_id = model.X.loc[gene_id] # initialize the dataframe samp_table = model.sample_table.reset_index(drop=True) X_gene_id = X_gene_id.rename(dict(zip(X_gene_id.index, samp_table.index))) max_replicates = int(samp_table["n_replicates"].max()) columns = ["X_avg", "X_std", "n"] + list( chain( *[ ["rep{}_idx".format(i), "rep{}_X".format(i)] for i in range(1, max_replicates + 1) ] ) ) res = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) # iterate through conditions and fill in rows for cond, group in samp_table.groupby(["project", "condition"], sort=False): # get condition name and X values cond_name = cond[0] + "__" + cond[1] # project__cond vals = X_gene_id[group.index] # compute statistics new_row = [vals.mean(), vals.std(), len(vals)] # fill in individual samples (indices and values) for idx in group.index: new_row += [idx, vals[idx]] new_row += [np.nan] * ((max_replicates - len(vals)) * 2) res.loc[cond_name] = new_row # clean up = "condition" res = res.reset_index() return res
# iModulon Table
[docs]def imdb_gene_im_table_df(model, g, im_table, m_bin): """ Generates a dataframe for the iModulon table of gene g Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object g : str Gene locus tag im_table : ~pandas.DataFrame Pre-cleaned version of data.imodulon_table m_bin : ~pandas.DataFrame Boolean transpose version of data.M_binarized Returns ------- perGene_table: ~pandas.DataFrame A dataframe for the iModulon table of gene g in iModulonDB """ perGene_table = im_table.copy() perGene_table.insert(column="in_iM", value=m_bin.loc[:, g], loc=1) perGene_table.insert(column="gene_weight", value=model.M.loc[g, :], loc=2) perGene_table = ( perGene_table.assign(A=perGene_table["gene_weight"].abs()) .sort_values(["in_iM", "A"], ascending=[False, False]) .drop("A", 1) ) return perGene_table
# Gene Metadata
[docs]def imdb_gene_basics_df(model, g): """ Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object g : str Gene locus Returns ------- res: ~pandas.DataFrame A dataframe for the metadata of gene g in iModulonDB """ row = model.gene_table.loc[g] res = pd.Series( index=["gene_id", "name", "operon", "gene_product", "cog", "regulator", "link"], dtype=float, ) res.loc["gene_id"] = g res.loc["name"] = row.gene_name for elt in ["gene_product", "cog", "operon", "regulator"]: try: res.loc[elt] = row[elt] except KeyError: res.loc[elt] = np.nan if type(model.gene_links[g]) == str: res.loc["link"] = ( '<a href="' + str(model.gene_links[g]) + '">' + model.imodulondb_table["gene_link_db"] + "</a>" ) else: res.loc["link"] = np.nan if model.imodulondb_table["organism_folder"] == "s_acidocaldarius": res.loc["old_locus_tag"] = row.old_locus_tag res.fillna(value="<i>Not Available</i>", inplace=True) return res
# Compute All Gene Data
[docs]def make_gene_directory(model, g, path_prefix="."): """ Generates all data for gene g, stores it in a subfolder of path_prefix Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~pymodulon.core.IcaData` IcaData object g : str Gene locus path_prefix : str, optional Path to the dataset folder. This function creates a 'gene_page_files/k/' subdirectory there to store everything. (default = ".") Returns ------- im_df: ~pandas.DataFrame Table containing iModulon information for the gene """ im_table_short = model.imodulon_table[["name", "regulator", "function", "category"]] = "k" m_bin = model.M_binarized.astype(bool).T act_df = imdb_gene_activity_bar_df(model, g) im_df = imdb_gene_im_table_df(model, g, im_table_short, m_bin) g_df = imdb_gene_basics_df(model, g) folder = path_prefix + "/gene_page_files/" + str(g) + "/" if not (os.path.isdir(folder)): os.makedirs(folder) g_df.to_csv(folder + str(g) + "_meta.csv", header=True) act_df.to_csv(folder + str(g) + "_activity_bar.csv") model.X.loc[g].to_csv(folder + str(g) + "_expression.csv") im_df.to_csv(folder + str(g) + "_perGene_table.csv") return im_df